Flutter Challenge TODO App Flutter Challenge TODO App
This challenge is based on a design on Dribbble by Jae-song,Jeong.Flutter Challenges will attempt to recreate a particular app UI or design in Flutter.
Flutter Challenge The YouTube App Flutter Challenge The YouTube App
Flutter Challenges will attempt to receate a particular app UI or design in Flutter. This challenge will attempt the Home screen and the Video Detail screen (The screen where the video actually plays) of the Youtube app including the animation.
The Flutter Series:Basic Widgets and Layout The Flutter Series:Basic Widgets and Layout
Layouts in Flutter consist of a hierarchy of widgets with the outer widgets usually deal with aligment and structure whereas the inner elements are usually the visible elements on the page itself,like buttons and images,etc.
A Deep Dive Into Inbuilt Animation in Flutter A Deep Dive Into Inbuilt Animation in Flutter
Animations are quite easy to do in Flutter and a lot of complexity can be achieved with a lot of less effort than native Android.This is usually achieved through ways like defining an Animation + an AnimationController.But there are inbuilt widgets which even reduce this and make animations as easy as simply changing values!
A Deep Dive Into Stack and IndexedStack in Flutter A Deep Dive Into Stack and IndexedStack in Flutter
A Stack widget allows us to make multiple widgets overlay each other.This not only allows brilliant custom designs but also some really cool animations.
A Deep Dive Into PageView In Flutter A Deep Dive Into PageView In Flutter
A PageView is a widget which generates scrollable pages on the screen.This can either be a fixed list of pages or a builder function which builds repeating pages.PageView acts similar to a ListView in the sense of constructing elements.
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